Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Summer artwork info

Summer Artwork drop off info:
Drop off your artwork in A128 at 2pm on Friday, August 17th

***you must have all summer projects completed/matted by 2pm on Friday, August 17th or else you can be dropped from the class.

Display case information:

-All five pieces must be matted or framed
-When hanging art work do not puncture the art or mat board.  Pins go around the work and not through the work.
-Hang fabric, wrapping paper, newspaper, etc. to create a background for your display.
-You need tags with the following information printed for each piece:  TITLE, MEDIUM, DIMENSIONS
-Personalized NAME TAG (to let everyone know who made the work!)
**You will most likely have to share a display case with one other student do to limited number of displays/students in class.


  1. What are the dimensions of the display cases? I would like to prepare a backdrop.

  2. What are the dimensions of the display cases? I would like to prepare a backdrop.

  3. Kyle-I will check the dimensions and get them to you as soon as I can. Monday at the latest as I know I'll be at York then.
