Thursday, June 27, 2013

still life

sorry i haven't posted more, but life happens, and you wind up in the hospital. anything that stands out let me know.


  1. Max...sorry to hear you were in the hospital! I do hope you are doing better and on the road to recovery!

    In terms of your piece...some of your lines are off w/ the perspective. I don't know what you have been taught about two-point here is a web page that goes over different types of perspective. You want to look specifically at the two-point perspective:

    In addition to that you need to push your contrast. You need to really pick some dark shadows and push them closer to black. Right now you have a lot of the same tones (grays) and that is blending the bottles/books together in some spots. That will help 'crisper' up some of the edges of the glass bottles too! But it's almost there so just add the black sparingly (bottom edge of bottles in the shadow area, along the side of the bottle where there is a separate a shadow from an object-bottle or book). Hope that helps!

  2. thanks! no one ever taught me this.

    1. I told you to buy at least a 3B lead, Max! SHEESH.
