Thursday, November 15, 2012

A bug's arm...and a lot more to come (soon, I hope!)
Here's the reference photo


  1. I think you have a good start. The arm is looking really similiar to the refrence photo. Bugs kind of gross me out, but you're doing a good job.

  2. It's looking good so far. One thing I noticed is that in your reference photo, the spikes on the arm get a lot shorter from left to right and almost dissapear, but in your drawing they seem to amost get longer. But maybe that wont matter once the rest of it is done. Good job so far!

  3. This looks awesome! I love the bug photo you used, the colors are neat and go nicely together. My only suggestion is for the blue part, maybe blend it more into the pointy red, black, and white part. That's just something minor though. good job!

  4. This looks awesome! I love the bug photo you used, the colors are neat and go nicely together. My only suggestion is for the blue part, maybe blend it more into the pointy red, black, and white part. That's just something minor though. good job!

  5. Nice color matching so far. Keep working on it and bring it in Monday (11/26) when you come back so we can give you more feedback!
